We will explain how to use the new Street View layer in Google Maps, specifically in the Android version. TI is a new functionality with which you will see in the mobile application a map with all the nearby areas through which the Google Maps car has passed, and immerse yourself in them to see the photos in 360 degrees.

At the moment, this function is only available for the beta version of the Google Maps Android application. Therefore, we will explain how to sign up for this trial version of the app so that you can start using the function without having to wait for it to remain officially released for everyone. Then, we will tell you how to activate the Street View layer step by step, explaining it well.

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First, Download the Beta Version of the App

The Street View layer in the Google Maps Android app is available in version 10.23.4 or higher, which currently corresponds to the Beta version. Over time, it will reach all of us, but you will have to resort to the beta to use this utility. To do this, you will first have to enter this web address and press the Become a Tester button.

Once you have pressed the button, you will go to a screen where it will turn green that you are already a tester. If you were before, you would go to this screen directly. And you will not have to press again to become a tester. In any case, once you are a tester. You have to update the app on your mobile to start downloading the trial versions.

Use Street View on Google Maps for Android

Once you have the Google Maps application updated with the new function, the first thing you have to do is open it usually. On the main screen, click on the layers button that you have in the upper right corner of the screen. And that has an icon in which a flat square appears on top of another.

When you click on the layers button, a screen will open to access various types of map. If the function remains implemented in your application and Explore, the section should appear below. Click on the Street View option in the Explore section to go to the map layer with 360-degree photos.

As soon as you press the button, the street view layer will remain applied to the map. You will see everything almost as before. But blue lines will appear on the streets with a 360-degree view in Street View mode. Now you have to click anywhere on these blue lines to enter them.

And by entering them, I mean that you immerse yourself in the Street View mode. And you will be able to see the panoramic photograph of the exact point where you have clicked. You will be able to look around you and even move forward and navigate between slides.

All you have to do now is explore the cities you want to your liking. You can zoom out to see a larger view with all 360-degree view of streets, roads, highways, expressways, and highways marked in blue.

And if you keep zooming out, the view will be less detailed, but on the map. You will see the areas where there are views in Street View marked in blue. TI can help you get an idea of ​​complete areas that may still not remain checked by Google’s car. Something that if you are one of those who uses this option to locate yourself when you go on a trip can help you know in advance if you are going to have it available.

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