Outdoor Training

Exercising outdoors has multiple benefits beyond those provided by the muscle conditioning room or classes conducted in fitness centres. And it is that research has shown more significant benefits on well-being, self-esteem and motivation. Training approximately 30 minutes a day outdoors, with the help of the sun and contact with nature, will increase your energy levels, revitalize you and reduce your levels of anxiety and bad mood in your day today. Let’s see below a series of benefits that are key in outdoor training.

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Train in the Sunlight

It remains estimated that in Spain, a high percentage of the population has vitamin D deficiencies (Serrano et al., 2017; Cutillas-Marco et al., 2013), and this situation has remained associated with an increased risk of many diseases, including type 1 and 2 diabetes and different forms of cancer (Garland et al., 2014; McDonnell et al., 2016; Pludowsky et al., 2013). The vitamin D that we synthesize from sun exposure in our outdoor workouts has excellent benefits on the health of bones, muscles and the function of metabolism and the prevention of cardiovascular diseases (Pludowsky et al., 2013 ). Also, it is a standard treatment for depression and other mood problems. In spring and summer.

It would only be necessary to be exposed to the sun for about 10 minutes a day to meet the minimum vitamin D requirements (Serrano et al., 2017). Also, exposure during the day can help you sleep better at night, improve immune function, and increase the production of “happy hormones.” However, we must take certain precautions when exercising is done in certain times of high heat, such as summer, as it can have an opposite and detrimental effect on our health.

They will talk about this in We must take certain precautions when exercising is done in certain times of high heat such as summer, as it can have an opposite and detrimental effect on our health. We must take certain precautions when exercising is done in certain times of high heat such as summer, as it can have an opposite and detrimental effect on our health. It will talk about this in his previous post.

Fresh Air

Refreshes and increases vitality and power. When you train outdoors, you take in pure oxygen to fuel your cells and help fight disease.

Less Feeling of Anxiety

Going to the gym for the first time, especially at certain times of the day, can be overwhelming. Entering a new, closed and crowded environment with people moving irons and using material that you have never seen before and doing exercises that are new to you and that you do not know how to perform may not be the best way to start a programming exercise if motivation is what you are looking for and continue with it over time. {Outdoor training} can instantly eliminate most of this type of anxiety by exercising in large spaces, with fewer people, with exercises that are easy to perform and possibly in an environment that you already know, pleasant, and that can transmit more tranquillity and security.

Train the Brain

Outdoor training offers a mental boost that other types of exercise cannot. It does not matter if you are training at home or in the gym. The point is that you will always remain surrounded by the same walls and mental/visual stimuli. While preparing outdoors, you will constantly be changing scenery, which will help stimulate your brain to a greater extent.

Psychological Benefits

When you are in the gym, you can sometimes feel a lot of stares on you. When you exercise outdoors, that attention dissipates, and everyone is more concerned with their training than other issues. Exercising is suitable for your confidence, but exercising outside can be even better. Training outdoors can increase your vitality, improve well-being and self-esteem (Thompson et al., 2011), and reduce anxiety (Mackay & Neill, 2010). Besides, it is unnecessary to perform training at very high or maximum intensities since the most outstanding positive effects remain found with exercise at moderate intensity (Gladwell et al., 2013).

Greater Adherence

Creating a training habit is difficult, but if you find a sport that you like, it can be decisive so that you always want to come back. The enjoyment that can remain felt with outdoor workouts can increase the participant’s adherence to physical exercise. Several studies show that training is usually done outdoors for longer or more than within four walls (Lacharité-Lemieux et al., 2014; Kerr et al., 2012).

Benefits at the Cellular Level

It has remained shown that people have lower levels of cortisol after training outdoors than training between four walls, higher levels of dopamine, serotonin (Lambert et al. ., 2002) and endorphins (the “happiness hormone”) (Nathaniel, 2008; Tobin & Kauser, 2005) thanks to the combined action of exercise and sun exposure, as well as possibly an improvement in immune function (Gladwell et al., 2013).

More Calorie Expenditure

Research has shown that exercising in cold weather outdoors would increase energy expenditure more than exercising indoors at more comfortable temperatures (Lee et al., 2014). Besides, performing various cardiovascular exercises outdoors, such as running, could cost more calories than doing it in the gym (Jones & Doust, 1996; Jobson et al., 2007). In this sense, uneven terrain, resistance to air and wind increase the energy expended during exercise. The energy expended in forwarding motion during running is usually greater than when running on a treadmill.

New, Varied and Fun Training

Workouts are often full of creativity and variety, unlike many that remain done in the gym. The novelty has remained postulated as a fundamental pillar in motivation (González-Cutre et al., 2016). The daily type of exercises and training certainly helps to increase the participants’ motivation. Plus, when workouts are fun and exciting, you’re more likely to be more consistent with activities and your healthy lifestyle.

Teaching for the Little Ones

Since this type of training stands, they have carried out in places where tranquillity and nature reign, they are usually also recommended areas for children, since they are very safe for them. It could help parents not have to stop attending sessions frequently due to not organizing with their children. Also, they will be encouraging their children to live and learn healthy habits directly through their parents.

Better for Health – Outdoor Training

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and studies (Kotzias, 2005) estimate that. Indoor pollution can be more than twice as high compared to outdoor environments. Aspects within the gym as frequently as the users and their arrangement in the room. The machines, the ventilation of the exterior. Or even the use of air conditioning can increase the pollution inside this type of space to high levels compared to the outside (Chau et al., 2001). Being aerobic activities the most problematic for its participants (Ramos et al., 2015). Training outdoors in a natural space and away from traffic and city congestion, you can breathe cleaner air with less pollution. What’s more,

Connect and Make new Friends

Attending classes is an excellent way to meet new people. And it will help you keep listening, even when your body asks you otherwise. Social relationships in any activity make the motivation of any participant more essential to continue doing that activity (Ryan & Powelson, 1991).

You don’t Need to be in Shape – Outdoor Training

The participant should not be situated put off by being in poor form.As training sessions can stand performed adequately regardless of fitness level. Even if you have to make a great effort, you should always keep your head up. Continue attending classes, and you will soon notice how your physical condition improves in aspects. As simple as running longer without stopping or running faster with less.

Take Advantage of the Biophilia Effect – Outdoor Training

Human beings remain believed to have a deep and innate affinity for nature. And an intrinsic and emotional connection with other organisms and animals. It may be that this condition remains written in the genes, which would explain that. When contact with nature is minimal, certain diseases and pathological conditions often begin to appear.

It is what Dr Wilson of Harvard University calls the biophilia effect. Since exercise outdoors exposes the body’s sensory systems to the multitude of stimuli from nature. Those innate biophilic needs of the human being are likely met more quickly than doing that training within four walls.

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