Technological Tools for Real Estate

Real estate companies have many and various technological tools to improve their activity. They aim to present the product. Such as those aimed at improving the communication of their services and the relationship with customers.

We have grouped different technological tools with a common link: they are ideal for the real estate business.

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Communication in Real-Time

Instant messaging tools have expanded so that we all use them to communicate with friends and professional contacts.

Although it is not an appropriate means to launch messages of all kinds and anyone, it is a suitable method to launch specific notices and calls for attention.

It is an excellent app to notify clients of the actions we carry out in the progress of the service.

Thinking about client owners, we can use it to launch notifications, indicating changes in status, follow-ups, scheduled and made visits, sending reports to your email account.

Instant Messaging tools transmit rich text (I’m not talking about emoticons, but links), audio, and video at the moment.

Other tools are more focused on streaming video in real-time, whose availability disappears within hours of recording.

The meaning of these tools remains found in the opportunity to offer information at a specific time, exclusively and privileged to attendees.

I am taking the example of a new real estate acquisition. Live video tools can remain used to notify specific users of the possibility of previewing images of a new home for sale, which fits them according to the preferences indicated.

Presentation of the Property

Many of the tools focus on attractively showing the product, improving the regular photographic reports with static images.

The 360º Panoramas, together with interactive plans, allow the user to move through the image and observe the details, front and back, and move through the house’s different rooms.

The 360º video incorporates the temporal dimension and the audio,  producing a video in which an advisor remains shown presenting the Property.

The user can move freely through the filmed space while listening to and watching the advisor.

The videos of drones get spectacular shots of buildings and their surroundings, overlooking birds, unusual.

The cost and legal barriers to filming common spaces limit the tool’s potential to isolated houses with their land.

The Virtual Tours are the last to arrive but offer the advantages of the above tools and immersive effect if virtual reality glasses remain used.

Product Preview

Showing the final appearance of a building or urbanization has been the catalyst for numerous tools aimed at property development.

The infographics, authentic photographs, or virtual creations on which models renderizándolas to show how it will apply the finished work are tools that have for several years used.

The 3D drawings generated virtually from physical 2D and 3D printing, which lets you create models from digital models, are the new tools for the new work.

Improved Reality

If the house remains finished but is empty or in a defective state, virtual Home staging can improve its visualization.

This technology indicates how a room can be in furnishing, decorating, and / reforming.

Augmented Reality

A visit to a home can be a very enriching experience if it lacks furniture or the existing one is inappropriate in visitors’ eyes.

With augmented reality, we can incorporate a layer of visual information so that the desired decoration and furniture are placed on the room’s structure, showing a result more in line with the preferences of the buyer client.

Visit the Property

Managing visits to real estate is one of the most time-consuming tasks for the real estate advisor.

One way to optimize times and continue offering a good experience for the potential client is to manage visits with the help of tools.

The announcement of availability to visit a new home captured, which fits the client’s preferences, is the first step to get their attention and cause them to continue with the process. A said announcement can remain disseminated on social media, sent by email, or instant messaging, it being essential that in this communication, a link stays offered for the following action.

Once the user accesses the page that we have provided in the announcement of the visit, we show them a date and time selector to indicate their time preference. This information is updated with our management system, directing only available time windows and editing when the visitor makes the registration.

Once your preference has remained sent, you stand asked to sign the visit sheet with your data and the corresponding legal text, a task that you can perform digitally, from the screen of your device.

When the date arrives, it is unnecessary to be at the door waiting to open; We can send you a message to your mobile with an access code to access it directly.

Allowing them to enter freely (if the house is not inhabited) will enable visitors to be more comfortable and unleash their expressiveness.

You can stay with them a little later and explain some issues that may have gone unnoticed.

For security and the owner’s peace of mind, cameras can stand had in the house to record the visit, which the visitors have previously accepted on the visit sheet.

Communication with Consumers

Implementing a real estate inbound marketing methodology allows us to establish permanent communication with the people who make up our target.

According to the information that our target audience demands, establishing a content strategy allows us to create workflows and automated communication with them, which helps us to be in frequent contact (lead nurturing).

Email marketing is one of the tools, along with workflow defined for each client. It allows us to send personalized and relevant information to each contact.

Content Management And Dissemination

There are many content management tools, being the most recognized WordPress CMS. Still, any platform that allows creating multimedia content and publishing it in our media helps us to carry out a calendar editorial, according to the established marketing plan.

The  Web, the Blog, and the profiles on Social Networks are places where information can remain disseminated.

In the real estate field, if we apply improvements in the presentation of the product. Such as panoramic views, videos, or virtual tours, it is crucial to publish them in our media. Such as the real estate website and the real estate blog.

Analysis of Data

For a long time, big data has been done by real estate companies who record contact, Property, and transaction data. And use tools to extract reports and conclusions.

Any real estate management program allows you to cross property data. Launch notices of lawsuits and generate a Comparative Analysis of the market.

The real estate agent can draw forecasts and trends in real estate prices in the local real estate market with the information.
Ratings and Heat Maps are specific tools that emerge from data analysis.

Smart Data to predict future situations through intelligent use of data.

Some companies are dedicated to constantly collecting data on owners who intend to sell their Property shortly. They record as much data as possible and sell the information, perfectly segmented (in a specific area. With particular characteristics), to real estate agencies that need to contact those with whom they can reach a purchase agreement.

In this area, it is convenient to underline the importance of  Web Analytics. Which allows audiences to be recognized by their characteristics. And by their actions (address in their property searches, properties marked as favourites.

Artificial Intelligence

Machines learn quickly if taught correctly.

Also, We can apply artificial intelligence to the real estate business. Transferring the commercial protocol to a programmed system that interprets words and phrases from clients to respond. And converse with them.

Voice recognition is already a reality in any smartphone. Which Google and Siri are offered as virtual assistants, answering questions we do with the voice.

The Bots Conversational is programmed to analyze user behaviour on the web, offer proposals and listen to your questions.

Depending on the information provided by the user, they will stay answered in one way or another. But always following the process map that has remained attributed to them.

The chat boxes remained programmed to recognize terms such as “buy,” “sell,” as well as characteristics of houses.

The crossing of information with entities such as the Cadastre can expand the data managed by the system.

Similarly, Image Interpretation is another growing tool, making it possible to provide photographs with enriched information.

The system recognizes that in the image, there are green spaces, swimming pool. Whether it is the exterior of a building or the interior. Which room it is (bathroom, kitchen, living room, room with one or two beds).

Digitalization of Processes

Digital documents are replacing paper.

Also, The handwritten signature is no longer necessary; we remained used to signing on digital tablets in banks.

We can offer the same to real estate clients, to be able to sign digitally. Through a screen, documents such as the exclusive, the visit sheet, an offer and Tackling document management with software.

For the signature, you can choose a stylus, finger, or fingerprint directly.
The immediacy of digital documents and online allows to obtain and deliver documents remotely and at the moment.