[pii_email_4518e11960b34c0cc638] pii_email_4518e11960b34c0cc638 – The term itself makes the person feel bad and confused. The errors occur due to some mistakes made while installing or working on it. This article will discuss these errors and the reasons behind them and discuss the tips and solutions to fix these types of errors.

Error [pii_email_4518e11960b34c0cc638] occurs in Microsoft. This is a Microsoft error that appears when trying to send an email. This happens due to a problem with the SMTP server, or there may also be a problem installing some wrong versions. You must first verify that you have entered the correct details of each required parameter.

This error can also occur due to poor disposition management. If you see the error [pii_email_4518e11960b34c0cc638] on the screen, don’t worry. Today’s article will represent some solutions to this error, which can immediately solve your problem. Let’s take a look at the directions. Here you are!

What Is [pii_email_4518e11960b34c0cc638] And Why Does It Occur?

As mentioned above, Microsoft Outlook is secure. It uses SSL and TLS security encryptions provided by Microsoft to send and receive your emails. You don’t need to know SSL and TLS security ciphers to resolve [pii_email_4518e11960b34c0cc638], but understand that it is one of the most secure ciphers.

When you try to connect to a mail server that does not have SSL and TLS security, you will receive [pii_email_4518e11960b34c0cc638]. This is not the only reason for getting pii error in your Microsoft Outlook. We will debate the other reason and solutions in the “How to Solve” section. To use the mail server in your Outlook, you must have SSL and TLS encryptions. It is always better to check all parameters like port number, authentications, and secure connection while connecting.

Effective Ways to Fix [pii_email_4518e11960b34c0cc638] Error

Here are the replies to your question on how to fix the [pii_email_4518e11960b34c0cc638] error that appears on the screen. But, first, let’s look at the points registered below to solve your problem.

Try Repairing Your Program

In many cases, when the software is damaged, this type of error occurs and can stop it. For example, this Outlook error [pii_email_4518e11960b34c0cc638] could be a breaking point for your present work. So make it indisputable to repair your program first to help you fix this problem quickly.

Check Your Windows Antivirus Software

It would be helpful if you focused on the antivirus activities occurring on your computer. Therefore, you need to disable the currently active antivirus software on Windows to resolve this error, as this may be why this [pii_email_4518e11960b34c0cc638] error occurs.

Delete All Duplicate Accounts

Sometimes, after trying many methods, the problem may remain unsolved. Don’t panic. Try a new step to resolve this issue. Delete all duplicate Microsoft accounts as they can create such types of errors. Remove all duplicate accounts from your device and try to solve this [pii_email_4518e11960b34c0cc638] error.

Change The Server Port Number

If the procedures mentioned above do not work, try changing the port number. From the server and try again to solve this problem. In this way, it can help you get rid of the error.

Try reinstalling the app on your device

There may be a probability that everything is fine, but your problem is not solved yet. Then reinstall the app and try to connect and work again.

Check Configuration

Follow this step to fix your problem in seconds. First, look at the server requirement settings because sometimes the requirements are not met and thus can generate an error pii_email_4518e11960b34c0cc638. So check your server configuration settings and then try to fix the problem.

Finally, we hope that we have discussed the best and easiest steps to resolve the pii_email_4518e11960b34c0cc638 error that occurs on your screen. Therefore, this type of error can occur in any Microsoft program. Consequently, we hope you can find the right solution to your pii_email_4518e11960b34c0cc638 error. These methods above will never let you down and rest assured that they will work well.