Introduction – Net Neutrality

Net neutrality is a principle of non-discrimination, essential for the Internet to continue to be free and escape the control of private entities and authoritarian governments’ censorship.

Understand this techno-juridical principle’s fundamental value; it is necessary to understand what the Internet is and how it works.

It is neither easy nor difficult either. In the next section, I have tried to simplify some rather complex
technical concepts.

Experts can avoid unnecessary torture and move on to the next paragraph.

Non-experts will find some valuable elements to understand how the Net they use every day works.

And to acquire the conceptual basis necessary to grasp Net neutrality’s importance.

Net Neutrality

Changes in Net Neutrality

  • The most significant shift in net neutrality since the original post was published was the move to leadership in the White House.
  • And subsequent changes to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).
  • Former FCC President Tom Wheeler retired from the agency in January, paving the way for his successor, Ajit Pai, to take over.
  • A long-time veteran of the broadcasting industry, Pai held various roles in the FCC between 2007 and 2011 before being officially appointed to the committee as a Republican by former President Barack Obama in 2012.

How Can the FCC Repeal Net Neutrality?

  • At the core of the FCC’s plan to hand over the keys to America’s Internet infrastructure to companies like Verizon, Pai’s former employer, is a definition.
  • What is broadband internet access, and what role does the government play in monitoring it?
  • Before the vote to remove the net neutrality laws enacted during the Obama administration, the Internet infrastructure was a public PDF service, just like the telephone service.
  • Pai and his lobbyists argued that they shouldn’t regulate internet access like a utility company.
  • The vote effectively stripped the FCC of any ISP conduct regulators, much like Comcast and Verizon’s want.
  • To make the problem worse, the FCC has not only withdrawn its supervisory powers over ISPs.
  • But he also signaled his intention to circumvent state laws on state ISPs.
  • Effectively prohibits individual states from attempting to maintain or implement their net neutrality regulations.

How Can the FCC Repeal Net Neutrality

The FCC can’t block state laws

  • An appeals to the court upheld the Federal Communications Commission’s repeal of net neutrality laws but released a rule that would prevent states from enacting their laws.
  • The decision primarily marks a defeat for Mozilla, which the agency sued last year.
  • But he’s currently optimistic for states like California, which have fought for the right to enact stricter net neutrality laws.
  • The District Court of Columbia Appeals states that the FCC had the authority to classify Internet service providers as “information services” rather than “joint operators” under Title I of the Telecommunications Act.
  • He was not convinced by most of the arguments against this change but identified three areas where not adequately defend the FCC.

FCC exhibited disregard of its duty

  • The court said the FCC “disobeyed its duty” to assess how its change of rules would affect public safety.
  • Public safety was a vital issue at a hearing earlier this year. Proponents of net neutrality said the FCC’s decision allowed ISPs to limit first responders’ data, which happened in California last year.
  • “The damage caused by stalling and throttling during a public safety emergency is irreparable. People could be injured or die, “said the ruling, which instructed the FCC to address these safety concerns.

FCC didn’t explain the rule for utility pole access making

  • The FCC also did not adequately explain what the rules for building poles would mean.
  • It’s more accessible for newcomers to network internet services and address concerns about how the change would affect the Lifeline internet access program for low-income Americans.
  • Most importantly, the court cleared some of the rules that enabled the FCC to anticipate a state net neutrality law.
  • The FCC has already filed a lawsuit against states that have adopted their own net neutrality rules.
  • FCC President Ajit Pai celebrated the verdict on Twitter. “Today’s DC decision is a huge win for consumers!” Pai wrote.
  • “The court upheld the FCC’s decision to repeal the 1930s utility-style Internet regulation.” In an official report, he also said he was looking forward to addressing the close issues that the court has identified.

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Mozilla released a statement

  • Mozilla also released a statement in response to the decision. “Our fight to maintain net neutrality as a fundamental digital right is far from over.
  • We are encouraged to see non-judicial states enact net neutrality rules that protect consumers, “she said.
  • We are evaluating our next steps in the 2018 FCC regulatory litigation and are grateful to be part of a large community.
  • However, we are also pushing for net neutrality to be protected in courts, states, and Congress.

FCC ignored public safety

  • The appeals court also criticized three shortcomings in the regulation with which the FCC abolished net neutrality.
  • First, the FCC did not address the impact on public safety, although this is one of the agency’s core objectives.
  • Emergency services, infrastructure operators, and citizens could be affected in an emergency.
  • Suppose broadband networks helps to bring specific data traffic at their discretion or for a fee over other data traffic.
  • Just think of earthquake sensors in a gas network, where fractions of a second count.
  • Possible later intervention by the FTC trade authority against network discrimination would come too late.
  • Second, the regulation did not adequately explain the removal of net neutrality means for the construction of broadband networks.
  • Specifically, this concerns the installation of data cables on third-party masts, which is essential in the USA