How Blogging Increases Your E-commerce Store’s Profitability? – Business owners that want to increase the revenue from their e-commerce sites should give blogging considerable consideration. This is due to the fact that there are numerous ways in which blogging can genuinely increase the profitability of your e-commerce business.

In case you weren’t aware, business blogging has been a thing for about 25 years. It started in 1995 and over the years has developed into one of the popular platforms for companies all over the world to market themselves, generate leads, and provide both direct and indirect customer service.

The fact that some of the biggest companies in the world run blogs are evidence that blogging is a fantastic way to grow your brand. You can learn more about eCommerce management by doing an online eCommerce course.

Using Blogging to Increase Your Ecommerce Store’s Profitability

Given the aforementioned information, you can be confident that blogging will help your e-commerce business become more profitable. In this essay, we’ll look at how blogging increases eCommerce store profitability.

Consumer as Researcher

Anywhere between 75% and 90% of all consumers online research about businesses, brands, goods, and services before deciding to place an order. And they put more faith in blogs than brand advertisements or even the information on company websites. They browse blogs in order to compare goods and services and determine which one best meets their requirements and price range.

By starting a blog for your e-commerce business, you’re actually assisting a potential customer with their research. And you may anticipate that your e-commerce store will appear on a consumer’s shortlist of places to place an order if your blogposts are sincere, intriguing, engaging, and relevant to them. A blog has greater persuasive force than a traditional commercial or piece of company literature. And you may use this trust to attract clients.

Also Read: Learn More About Ecommerce Management by opting for Digital Marketing Courses in Delhi.

Email Marketing

You will undoubtedly receive emails from Amazon, the biggest e-commerce site in the world, promoting new products and specials if you have ever made a purchase there. Although many firms still view email marketing as being redundant and out-of-date, which I vehemently reject as myth, this clearly shows that it is still important today.

You can give followers the option to subscribe to your emails by starting a blog. Only when a person is interested in your business and wants to receive updates will they give you their email. When individuals give their email addresses, you may create a fantastic email list to use for marketing and giving updates.

Through email marketing, you can provide special offers to leads in an effort to win their business. Your special rates and offers are kept a secret because they are made on emails that are addressed to a single person. If you want to turn a lead into a customer, you can decide whether to provide discounts or freebies.

Responding to and Listening to Customers

We all frequently have some reservations regarding anything we want to purchase. And that’s especially true for your online store because customers can’t physically go see the products to get a feel for them. As a result, they can ask inquiries in the blog’s comments section. And you can reply to these remarks and queries in a way that encourages leads to make a purchase.

Other advantages of listening to and responding to clients include several others. It fosters a relationship between your company and the client that results in loyalty. Negative reviews and feedback also give your online store the opportunity to modify or improve the services and products it offers. A great source for customer and after-sales assistance can be found in blog comments. To increase sales, it might assist you innovate all of your online store’s products.

Affiliate Marketing

Another way to drive both direct and indirect traffic to your e-commerce site is through blogging. To increase sales, you can link to your own e-commerce store from your blog using affiliate marketing-style links. As a result, in addition to your online business, you provide another sales channel.

Additionally, you can indirectly boost the profitability of your e-commerce company by utilising blogging and some knowledgeable affiliate marketers. Affiliate marketing offers great benefits. It provides free access to numerous sales and marketing platforms for your e-commerce store. Bloggers will only be compensated with affiliate commissions if a sale has been verified that was made using one of their affiliate links.

As a result,

The aforementioned arguments demonstrate unequivocally how blogging raises your e-commerce store’s profitability. You can use blogging for a variety of different business objectives, such as developing your internet brand and launching new goods fast through your blog.

Author’s Bio

Karan Shah

How Blogging Increases Your Ecommerce Store's Profitability_ (1)

Founder and CEO at IIDE
Apart from being an Edu-Preneur, Tedx Speaker and a Black Coffee connoisseur, Karan Shah is also the founder of IIDE- The Digital School. 

A Harvard alumnus, Karan’s expertise lies in digital marketing and ecommerce. A storyteller at heart, he has penned plenty of articles in leading news portals such as Entrepreneur, BusinessWorld, Education Times, and Youth Magazine to name a few.