Get Started with HubSpot CMS – These days, it’s not about whether your business has a website or not (pretty much every other business has one), but whether it is well-built and optimized enough to meet customer expectations. 

Technology trends are evolving exponentially and it’s natural for business owners and marketers to find it hard to keep up with them. Something you developed a year ago might be outdated the next year. As if that was not enough, upgrading takes time, finances, and lots of effort. However, it’s definitely worth investing in the current trends. That way you can ensure a solid position in the competitive market, enhance customer loyalty, and attract more potential customers. 

In fact, we are here to tell you that things are not as complex as they might seem at first sight. There is the other side of technology which not only imposes upon you its growing number of trends but also helps you implement them wisely and easily. HubSpot CMS is one of those technological advancements that come into play when you need help to optimize your website content and meet the market demand. 

What is HubSpot?

For all the newbies out there: HubSpot is a holistic, cloud-based content management system meant to help the alignment of sales and marketing teams, increase ROI and boost your inbound marketing. With the help of HubSpot, you can design, develop, host and modify your website without feeling the need for a designer or IT support. 

Here are a few reasons why you should choose HubSpot CMS:

  • A holistic platform that enables you to develop landing pages, website pages, blogs, analytics, and emails on a single platform. 
  • HubSpot Marketing Hub integration. 
  • Easy homepage editing
  • Ability to create customized messaging for customers, qualified leads, loyal clients, etc. 
  • No need for manual coding. 
  • Responsive design options via drag and drop design manager tools. 
  • SEO 
  • A centralised place for your file storage
  • Intuitive and customer-friendly UI.

If used wisely, HubSpot CMS can become your go-to when it comes to having a well-designed website with high-quality content. Keep in mind that your website is your online business card. 

Steps to Take to Learn Using HubSpot Properly from the Onset

Now that you know why HubSpot is so important, let’s help you get started with it. 

Start with Account Creation

First things first, your HubSpot journey begins with account creation. As soon as your account is opened, go ahead and invite your marketing, sales, and customer support staff to become users in that portal. 

Don’t forget to give them the corresponding permissions to use the tools relevant to their specialization. 

Link Your Domain to HubSpot

Your next step is connecting your website to the platform. Bear in mind that your website URL needs to be HubSpot-compatible without any special characters and no longer than 64 characters. 

Transfer Your Contacts

Now it’s time to import all your contacts names and other data to HubSpot. HubSpot allows contact segmentation based on where they are in their buyer’s journey. Additionally, you will be released from having to bother them with cookie-cutter marketing. 

Install a Tracking Code

You will need to set up a tracking code only if you are transferring an existing site to HubSpot. But if you are building a website from scratch, you can skip this step. 

Connect Social Media

Connect all your business’s social media accounts to HubSpot in order to be able to schedule posts and track results. You will receive notifications about new likes, comments, follows, and shares from all social platforms in a single place. 

Get to Know Where HubSpot Content is Located

Look for the ‘Website’ section where there are separate zones for web pages, landing pages and the blog. These segments will help you monitor and analyze page performance each on their own. 

Start Editing a Page

Play around and learn how a page is edited on HubSpot. You will understand how different modules work along the way. 

Explore Settings

The Settings tab is where you can work on the following features after you are done editing.  

  • Create an internal title
  • Create the HTML title which will show search engine results
  • Write the meta description
  • Create the page slug

Then you can pass on to saving or updating the page. 

Get to Know HubDB

HubDB is a database table aimed at containing various column values to manage your dynamic content. 

You can use HubDB if you have a preferred way of filtering content on a given page or have a page that has many subsections using the same fields.

Set up Different User Accounts

The general HubSpot Settings allow you to create different user accounts and grant them permissions via the “Users & teams” section. This way you will know who in your team has access to certain tools on HubSpot and what they can do with these tools. 

For example, you can allow your content writer to edit only the blog section. You can even give a certain team member access to writing content but not to publishing. The latter can be done only after you approve the new content. 

There is of course more to HubSpot than what we described here but as a newbie, taking these steps would be a good start for you. 

HubSpot is a platform where you can optimize your website according to such standards that come to appeal to everyone, including millennials and GenZ. So, don’t waste your time and start trying out its free tools right away.