
Annabelle Comes Home YTS – It is an American ghostly fear film heading by Gary Dauberman, in his directorial debut, from a script by Dauberman and a story by Dauberman and James Wan. They also acted as a creator with Peter Safran. It assists by 2014’s Annabelle and 2017’s Annabelle: Creation and the seventh instalment in The Conjuring Universe franchise. The film cast Mckenna Grace, Madison Iseman, and Katie Sarife, along with Vera Farmiga and Patrick Wilson, who reprise their roles as Lorraine and Ed Warren.

About the Movie

Director: Gary Dauberman

Producer: Peter Safran, James Wan

Cinematography: Gary Dauberman

Writer: James Wan, Gary Dauberman

Star Cast:

  • Mckenna Grace
  • Madison Iseman
  • Katie Sarife
  • Vera Farmiga
  • Patrick Wilson

Musician: Joseph Bishara

Editor: Kirk M. Morri

Production Companies:

  • New Line Cinema
  • Atomic Monster Productions
  • The Safran Company

Distributor: Warner Bros. Pictures

Release Date: June 26, 2019

Running Time: 106 minutes

Country: United States

Language: English

Budget: $27–32 million

Box Office: $231.3 million

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Annabelle Comes Home (2019) Download and Watch Full Movie TORRENT

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More About Annabelle Comes Home (2019) yts

Annabelle Comes Home (2019) yts

Anabel, sealed in a holy box, says, ‘Do not open it’. You do not consume to be a horror fan for this because it happens exactly the opposite. The film starts with Ad and Lauren bringing the doll to the house. They lock it in their basement. Everyone in school teases his daughter Judy. When this couple goes out of the house on weekends, their daughter and her young nanny Mary Ellen stay home. The whole thing goes well until Mary’s best friend Daniella arrives around the house to learn about her dead father. For what occurs next, you will have to watch the film.


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Disclaimer: At Web Tech Radar, we never encourage or endorse illegitimate websites through our platform. Besides, piracy is a criminal offence. Also, our preliminary determination with this content is to bring forth informative content to our audience and readers. However, we advise our users to abstain from such expensive acts and keep watching movies in theatres.

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