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Digital Privacy: Definition, Features, and More [2023]

Digital Privacy: Definition, Features, Advantages, And More

Privacy is single of the top user concerns in the digital age. The circulation of personal data on the Internet has given rise to phenomena such as spam or phishing that can put the personal information of Internet users at risk. That is why in this article, we talk about digital privacy and how to protect it.

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What is Digital Privacy?

A considerable amount of information circulates on the Internet, including the personal data of users. By doing actions as simple as using a browser. Posting a photo on a social network or leaving a comment on a blog or forum. We go into personal information that leaves a trace on the web.

Therefore, it is essential to know what digital privacy is and how we can increase the security of our data on the Internet.

Meaning and Concept

We start by looking at the meaning of digital privacy. This period refers to the right of users to protect their data on the network and decide what information is visible to others.

In the same way that a person wants privacy to remain respected at home or work, they also have the right to prevent others from accessing their data on the Internet without their consent.

The concept of digital privacy is relatively young since it remains linked to the emergence and development of the Internet and telecommunications. In fact, until recently, there was no precise regulation in this regard.

Features of Digital Privacy

Several characteristics define digital privacy :

It refers to all the information of a user that circulates on the Internet, in addition to personal data such as name, ID, telephone, address, etc.

The particularities of the Internet also mean that privacy refers to images, videos, email, geolocation, browsing history, IP or any other data that allows the identification of a user on the network.

It is not limited to web pages or social networks but refers to data transmission through online stores, applications, instant messaging services, etc.

On the other hand, it is worth mentioning that digital privacy in Spain remains regulated by the Organic Law on Data Protection and Guarantee of Digital Rights, which adapts the General Data Protection Regulation to Spanish regulations. Which remains applied at the European level.

Spanish regulations establish a series of fundamental concepts to guarantee people’s digital privacy, such as those we see below.

Data Protection

To collect user data on the Internet, a series of requirements remain required that we will see in-depth later. For now, we antedate that among the requirements is the identification of those responsible for the treatment. We are obtaining explicit consent from the user or communicating the purpose for which the information will be used, among others.

Digital Identity

The digital identity or fingerprint remains defined as the trace that a person leaves on the Internet. When you publish a photo, write in a blog, leave comments on a website. In short, almost any action carried out on the Internet leaves a trace.

It is related to digital privacy, which assists users intending to safeguard the information they want to keep private, out of the reach of the Internet.

The law establishes that the person must control the personal information circulating on the network, which brings us to the next point.

Right to be Forgotten

The user has the right to request that information that he does not want to be seen by other users remain removed from the Internet. It is what is known as the right to be forgotten on the Internet. The requirement to proceed with its elimination is that it is outdated, irrelevant or excessive information, regardless of whether it remained confirmed at the time.

For sample, a person appears on Google as the author of a crime committed many years ago. For which he has already paid and remains fully rehabilitated. This information can harm you, for example, to get a job to make use of this right.

Protection of D22ata of Minors

The minimum age for minors to consent to process their data on the Internet is 14 years old. Before that age, consent must remain given by their parents or guardians.

Digital Testament

The relatives or heirs of a person may request that the deceased’s personal information remain deleted, as long as the latter has not expressly prohibited it while alive. It includes any data, from photos or social media profiles to bank accounts or passwords, to access web services.

Digital Disconnect

Digital privacy also extends to the workplace. The digital disconnect means that workers are not required to answer calls or emails once you have finished your work schedule

Internet Service Providers

For their share, service providers must offer users access to the network without any discrimination. Likewise, they must guarantee that access to the grid remains carried out under the maximum security conditions.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of Digital Privacy :

Rise information security and protect against fraud, cyberattacks such as hacks or identity theft.

Choose what our digital identity is, that is, the image that the internet projects of us to other users

Allow only those operators, companies or service providers to whom we have given our consent to access our data.

Adjust the content, products or services offered to us to our profile and our interests.

We are increasing public awareness of the importance of protecting personal data on the Internet.

In addition for private projects there are many competitors like asana vs

Disadvantages of Digital Privacy :

The Internet is an immense network in which a considerable amount of data circulates. Therefore, trying to controller all this flow of information is not a realistic goal. As they say, it would stay like putting doors to the field.

It clashes with the interests of large companies and corporations. Many of these companies have enormous power and prefer to face the payment of fines rather than heed the privacy regulations dictated by governments.

Some quiet people do not understand the importance of protecting digital information. Many people carry on to accept terms and conditions of use without reading them.

Past generations have difficulty adapting to the new demands in this field, as the digital age is advancing rapidly and does not wait for anyone.

Problems and Risks

Posting sensitive data on the Internet can lead to various problems related to digital privacy.

Speaking more of Specific Terms and Practices, these would be some of the Principal Risks of Digital Privacy :

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